The product
The Sealants

SEALMAKER sealants is designed to react based on simple fluid dynamics. We use the predictable components of fluid flow and acceleration as a natural catalyst to create a transitional reaction as the chemicals pass through a leak path. The energy is effectively harnessed, and a transition from the liquid state to the solid state occurs.
This reaction can be easily controlled and adjusted in the field which makes it ideal for any application where it is desirable to maintain a liquified state on any residual sealant that will remain in a system. Pressure capabilities are relative to the system that is leaking whether it is low, medium, or high pressure. Temperature is not a limiting factor as the formulations can be adjusted to meet any temperature need.

How does it work
In fluid mechanics, we can predict flow patterns in different fluid flow situations. By understanding the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces, we can quantify the relationship of these two types of forces for given flow conditions which allows us to adjust our sealants accordingly to initiate at a specific point.

In fluid mechanics, we can predict flow patterns in different fluid flow situations. By understanding the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces, we can quantify the relationship of these two types of forces for given flow conditions which allows us to adjust our sealants accordingly to initiate at a specific point.
In a simple fluid dynamics problem we can break down and characterize different flow regimes; laminar, turbulent, and transitional flow. Laminar flow occurs where viscous forces are dominant, and is characterized by smooth, constant fluid motion. Turbulent flow occurs where inertial forces are dominant, and is characterized by flow having chaotic eddies, vortices, and other instabilities. Very small changes to shape and surface roughness can result in very different flows. Transitional flow is the point that the fluid transitions from laminar to turbulent flow. Velocity and fluid rheology determine at precisely what point they will move from laminar, through transition, and finally into turbulent flow. By designing sealants that transition at a specific velocity or rate of shear we have the first control we need to govern propagation based on the shear.
Next, we have to understand what happens to the flow of constant energy through a leaking system. Let's examine what happens in a leak path, not the system itself. We know that when fluid flows through a region of lower pressure it speeds up and vice versa. Don't focus on that differential pressure, it doesn't matter, instead look at what happens in the actual leak path itself.
Bernoulli's principle states that for an inviscid flow of a nonconducting fluid, an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy. A reduction in diameter will cause an increase in the fluid flow speed, combined with a corresponding decrease in the pressure in the reduced diameter region.
This phenomenon is known simply as the venturi effect which is commonly misnomered in the industry.
By applying these two principles to a leak path, we know that an acceleration of the fluid will occur within the leak site. This acceleration creates shear and, at a given velocity, the fluid will transition from laminar to turbulent flow as we discussed above. Now we have an additional control which is the actual flow rate that we can control very easily. By adjusting the applied pressure we inherently increase the velocity of the fluid going through the leak path
Now that we know our controlling mechanisms, we can put them to good use. We know these phenomena will always occur when we take any fluid and force it through a reduced diameter region or for this example, a leak path. The fluid accelerates and transitions from laminar to turbulent flow as the velocity increases.
Velocity is adjusted by varying our applied pressure in combination with the leak rate, and simply by setting the inertial force component of our sealants, we can control the activation. We can easily adjust the transition point from laminar to turbulent flow of all of our sealants and this allows us to predict exactly how they will behave and exactly how to control them without increasing viscosity which masks the leak rates by using additional resistance to flow. Once the transition occurs and the desired set velocity of the sealant is reached, we achieve activation at the precise moment we desire it to occur.

We are completely Environmentally friendly!